Is my space a good fit for Dishefs?

Amit Thawait

Last Update un anno fa

You can find the perfect match for every space – the trick is to set clear expectations.

You may not think that a well-equipped commercial kitchen in the midst of a tucked away food alley or an unused kitchen of a suburban home-owner could be popular choices for kitchen rental on Dishefs, but in fact, many different kinds of spaces appeal to renters —even the out of the way and modest ones. The key is to create an honest listing that not only spells out the details but also highlights the unique features that creates appeal – whether it’s affordability, ease of use, or state of the art kitchen equipment.

Begin with the basics:

What do you need for a Dishefs kitchen rental space? At the very least, those renting your space expect a clean and hygienic working space and functioning kitchen appliances and equipment. It is important to indicate whether or not those renting your kitchen will have access to the pantry.

Describe your kitchen space:

Kitchen spaces can be as varied as they get so it’s important to indicate in your listing the exact type of space that you’re offering. Is it a commercial kitchen housed in a restaurant or are you a homeowner with an approved commercial kitchen to spare? Are you a bakery that has downtime on the kitchen hours and is looking to earn some extra cash by renting it out? You may even be the owner of a banquet hall equipped with a fully-functioning kitchen that has its “off season” and could be rented out to those in need of such a space. Beyond that you could be school PTO who wants to raise extra cash for school team and have unused kitchen that could benefit your neighborhood chef entrepreneur or Churches, synagogue, temples or any non-profits who have approved kitchens that would like to earn donations in returns

Choose what your tenants can access:

You can indicate to rentees that they’ll have complete access to your entire kitchen, to all equipment and appliances or they may have restricted access to only some select equipment. Whether you give free rein to tenants or keep a check on how much and what can be used is up to you. The important things are to keep your space clean and to communicate about exactly what to expect.

Be honest about pros and cons:

Let's say, restaurateur Allen from Charlotte has a fully-equipped expansive kitchen that is tucked away in a quiet corner of the city—making it a chef’s/baker’s dream but sometimes a little inconvenient owing to its distance from the city’s thoroughfare. He’ll find that being honest in his listing about both the pros and cons is very important—and this will earn him honest reviews from his tenants. Example of what Allen might say – What’s most convenient about my kitchen is that it’s as large as it can get but if you’re someone who wants the local markets at a stone’s throw, it might not be the ideal space for you.

Show and tell:

Clear communication is crucial here: mentioning details in a listing is a great start, but pictures are worth a thousand words, as some tenants might book without reading everything thoroughly.

For instance, Dishefs recommends that private-kitchen host Priya include her Indian style kitchen as a prominent feature of her listing. Being clear about the fact that she has a homely kitchen will attract people who are just looking for a quiet place to rustle up some good old fare sans all the paraphernalia associated with state-of-the-art kitchens. Anybody who rents the space is only looking for a simple kitchen that helps do the job without all the fanfare. Those who are looking for more will go somewhere else.

Set a realistic price for your space:

No worries if your space isn’t a five-star kitchen! Many rentees are looking for a modest space as long as the purpose gets served. It’s a good idea for new landlords to start with a price that justifies the space you are offering. Once you have a steady stream of bookings and a few great reviews, you can adjust your price based on operational costs. But make sure to uphold great service standards and keep up demand.

Everybody’s space:

Anyone who has spare space to share can thrive on Dishefs Kitchen Rentals. There’s no such thing as an “ideal” listing—you just need to be honest and detailed in your description and photos to help potential tenants understand exactly what to expect. From modest approved home kitchens to heavily equipped commercial cooking spaces, there’s a perfect space for everyone on Dishefs.

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