Dashboard – A Snapshot

Amit Thawait

Last Update a year ago

Merchant > Dashboard

Merchants registered on the platform will have access to their dashboard where they can get an idea about the orders like the number of pending orders, active orders, delivered orders, canceled orders, merchant, categories, products, banner promotions, brands, and total return requests.

Observing Sales and Revenue Trends:

The merchant will have the ability to view the snapshot of sales happening on the platform (Only for their own store). They can view these statistics in the form of graphs with the ability to sort the data weekly, monthly, or yearly. They would also be able to export the sales report in .svg, .png or .csv file formats.

The merchant will also have an option to zoom in and out in the chart to view a clear graphical representation of the sales and revenue figures. These review charts can be further filtered using some custom dates in order to view the sales and revenue data for the defined period.

These filters can be reset by clicking on the refresh button in the top right corner of the dashboard screen.

Revenue Trends by Location:

Merchants will be able to view the sales and revenue trends of their store by location in a graphical view. The revenue by location section will define the revenue stream for different service areas with different filter options like a week, month, or year. The revenue by Location data will be accessible to the user on the dashboard screen, but they would not be able to export these statistics into any exportable file formats, i.e. the data is for visual representation only.

Number of Orders in top Categories:

Merchants will be able to view the top-performing categories (Top 3) in terms of sales and revenue generation for their store. These top categories are basically the ones for which the products are mostly sold and play a major role in revenue generation.

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